Railway EPC
Texmaco is today emerging as leading Railway EPC player in India, after the merger of Kalindee Rail Nirman into the Texmaco portfolio and gaining majority stakes in Bright Power Projects India Pvt Ltd. Texmaco is currently executing many projects for Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation and Lucknow Metro Corporation are to name a few. Additionally many international projects and Indian Government’s Line of Credit projects are executed by Texmaco’s Railway EPC division
Kalindee has long experience of construction in this Field starting from 1976. It specializes in dealing with modifications and upgrading signalling works under traffic conditions in most efficient, safe and trouble manner. Kalindee is also capable of undertaking a total turnkey Project including Design, Preparation of Engineering Drawings, Supply of all materials and equipment, Installation, Testing, Training, Commissioning, Documentation , Maintenance and Warranty services.
Kalindee started the telecommunications with simple line wire communications for Railways Safety Block and operation control circuits. Kalindee continued to diversify in new areas of telecommunication technology to suit developments in Railways. With introduction of railway Electrification Kalindee took up main line underground amoured and screened cable suitable for long distance circuits on 25KV AC electric traction. Further diversified in Optic fiber and Radio wireless systems including wide area and local area networking, GSM systems and Mobile Train Radio. Kalindee executed the longest optic fibre system I000 kms long on Konkan Railways. Kalindee executed telecommunication works not only for the Indian Railways but also for other major Private Telecom Service providers in creating their networks.
Railway Track
Kalindee has created land mark developments in the way track works are now done on Railways and Metro Rail Systems. It has success fully executed for the first time in India Ballastless Rail track for underground tunnels and elevated tracks with excellent quality of construction. Track construction on turnkey basis was also successfully introduced by Kalindee providing great convenience for Industrial units wanting their own dedicated Railway facilities.
Railway Automation
Kalindee has made a successful beginning with Access Control and Fare Collection System installed on first phase of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. This modem, fully centralized and networked, system uses contact-less smart card and single/double journey token. Today it has further secured contract for phase II of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation as also for Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation.
Centralized Security Systems.
Kalindee has made offers for Centralized Train Control, Train management, Passenger Information and Centralized Security Systems in association with major Multinational Companies.